15 Dec 2022 08:30:28


16 Dec 2022 09:36:12
They're placing 'Asylum seekers' that are 99% fighting aged men in communities all across UK, Ireland and Europe. A good percentage of these 'Asylum seekers' have already completed Basic Military Training and are now United Nations Soldiers pretending to be 'Asylum seekers' awaiting further orders.

16 Dec 2022 19:09:45
They all bleed when they die.


{Ed032's Note - Steady, Scouseduckred. Be the better soul. Don't taint it. That's what they want.

17 Dec 2022 12:08:03
Just following orders won't wash.


{Ed032's Note - I completely understand and concur. Just suggesting that some things should be the last resort. ?

17 Dec 2022 17:41:38
If there's UN soldiers on the streets, we will be being collected for camps. Just saying.


{Ed032's Note - And, Scouseduckred. All I am saying is, as a last resort, come try and ******g collect me.

Until then, I won't taint my soul. ✌

P.s. you're other post I posted already today but thank you.

17 Dec 2022 21:11:02
** taint my soul, anymore.

I am no Saint.

17 Dec 2022 22:20:48
Well, at least I'll get the chance to meet up with you both :)


{Ed032's Note - Careful what you wish for, Tj70. ??

19 Dec 2022 23:49:48
Is it possible that although hopeful, these guys are here for the clean up of the pedos and corrupt individuals?

I say this as there’s strong belief that Gessera/nessera law will be implemented, which requires military law to trigger new government (see Brazil), Sri Lanka etc. Then a secure voting system to be implemented via blockchain tech to vote new clean government..


{Ed032's Note - The LE are corrupt paedos, Hogan. They're not going to get rid of their own.

They need to collapse the old systems. They will do it anyway they can. You have to remember that all that is shown is just panto to distract.

23 Dec 2022 14:18:44
Well Hogan that is an option I was thinking of. Either way our armed forces are abroad. If they go home to home dragging us out we will soon know about it.