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Scouseduckred's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Scouseduckred's rumours posts


26 Sep 2023 18:55:53


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Scouseduckred.



11 Sep 2023 17:00:55

Must be time for big reveals. Who can you trust though??‍♂️

911:From Cheney to Mossad


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Scouseduckred



03 Sep 2023 23:39:43

Current t-shirt choice.?




25 Aug 2023 21:53:41
Outstanding content Ed's.???


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Scouseduckred. We try and source the best for you all. Seems you have had quite the evenings entertainment judging by all the comments ?✌?



08 Aug 2023 08:02:07
Hi Ed's, I would like your take on the new BRICS token? I recently enquired and found they are only accepting gold or other cryptocurrencies as payment. I believe it will be gold backed and protected by blockchain but isn't it a CBDC in disguise? Rumours are that 23 US states have enquired about joining, challenging times to protect your wealth......


{Ed032's Note - I haven't looked into it much but that's pretty much what I read about it too, Scouseduckred. Maybe others have more information?

I am not sure where I watched it but there was something interesting about Elon Musk and the changing of the bluebird to X, his mum's post saying 'XXX' and XRP and XLM. The triple 'X'. 666?

1.) 08 Aug 2023 12:55:12
Without going into too much detail I would'nt be surprised if Brics (which runs on the ETH/EVM network?) had support from Ripple/XRP.
Ripple is connected to nearly every bank/financial institution in recent years including trials. I can't see how BRICS can just appear for all these countries without it being supported & powered by something else.
Just a few things for you to look into:
ISO20022 rumoured to have started July 2023
Check out the Quantum financial network.
Swift's very recent partnership with R3 (which uses XDC & Corda which uses XRP).
Ripple acceptance into ISDA this week with the worlds biggest banks/financial derivitives £1.2 quadrillion market.
Of course also after the recent partial victory for Ripple, days later Elon rebrands to X. He has previously tried to set up a crypto bank and will look to facilitate payments on his old Tw**ter now X. He could turn into an online amazon with crypto payments using XRP, XLM, XDC etc.
Ripple/XRP with their partners/connections are looking to tokenise the Stock market & property.
Imo all these things could send the value up very high and sooner than expected & XRP has the potential to be what I hope it would be, but the downside is the nearest thing to a global/one world cashless currency. BTC, ETH, LTC will still be used but they are far too slow and expensive.
Rumoured to what each of these ISO20022 approved crypto's will be backed by (XRP/XLM are board members).

{Ed032's Note - I was hoping you might share some info. Thanks, Supasub.

2.) 08 Aug 2023 13:20:10
Symbolism will be their downfall.?

3.) 08 Aug 2023 16:55:53
Of course when we are cashless or even sooner, every transaction made anywhere will be recorded, no hiding from TPTB or the tax man. But also 1 flick of the switch & someone turns the power/internet off and we enter a world of chaos.
So being prudent, keep hold of and invest in any Gold/silver etc along with a shotgun under your floorboards as it will be like the wild west ?

{Ed032's Note - You are bang on about the 'flick of a switch', Supasub. 3 days of no flicking it back on, the SHTF. The thing I think everyone needs to realise is that, when 'they' inevitably flick said 'switch' you are not going to be able to eat and drink and feed your friends and family on any gold or silver or anything considered to have monetary ties as they are luxuries and are worthless in survival although maybe a few will find their prettiness a hope. The 'value' will shift to what is needed 'now' thus making what was valued previous, obsolete.

I don't want to scare monger. All I am saying is do your due diligence on how to survive off-grid. Buy some books on herbal remedies and how to grow all things and be self-sufficient. Train yourself to be the one that can help build a new community that thrives in a Realm design for us to do just that. We don't need the LE controllers anyhow or their corrupt schemes of providing essentials. It'll be tough to start but will build outstanding moral fibre and an unstoppable community.

This is a response to all, not directed straight at you, Supasub. Buy books. Buy knowledge! ??✌(??)

4.) 08 Aug 2023 17:33:04
Yes ed, I meant under the floorboards of your Farm, Ranch, Retreat, secluded plot with your own food/water supply. That is the dream....well for me anyway and my family (although they don't quite know it yet ?) Ed032 will be supplying the Chilli plantation although I've still got a good few left.
PS I'm still on the Elixir each day.
My last one I added a bit of organic Spirulina & Moringa powder to the recipe and is going well.

{Ed032's Note - Glad to hear 'elixir' mentioned. Such a magical word but the recipe I gave is ancient and healing. I do not have any at this moment. I have a very finite income and each month the sacrifice changes I am literally already in the 15min gulag. Albeit mine is in a really peaceful, nourished and beautiful place. They spray the crops here, weekly. No where is safe is what I am saying.

I share myself on many sites of this community of sites. I am real. I want to set up an emergency frequency. You know, CB's, Walkie talkies., ham radios?

Anyone with any 'sense' knows that's a good idea, no?

NOt sure how I can afford one. That said, the logic is sound.

So what is our frequency?

5.) 08 Aug 2023 21:51:56
VHF Channel 80 Ed :)

{Ed032's Note - Haha, you already good to go, Supasub? I have noted it down ?




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02 Jun 2024 11:58:07
The World Fairs have never made sense to me. American State Capitol buildings too, why did they keep rebuilding them?


{Ed033's Note - It's possible that some old world buildings were industrial type buildings such as warehouses, water pumping stations and power generators?



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24 Mar 2024 11:07:47
The AI content was a turn off.
I'm sure his work is beneficial, but adopting AI is a hard no from me.


{Ed033's Note - He did say that people can ignore the AI part of this [as it costs a monthly amount to access the AI engine used in this]. The process still [allegedly] works without the AI.



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10 Feb 2024 06:07:26
I wish Putin had stuck to bullet points more, 'interview' was a bit long winded. Breaking of the Minsk accord, NATO advancement, 2014 political US backed coup, Crimea, Donbas etc. Tucker also made a fool of himself by trying to 'negotiate the release' of a political prisoner. Twitter views may give him a perceived level of self importance but Putin is a world leader and wasn't budging.


{Ed033's Note - i guess there was some stuff Putin wanted to put out there.



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04 Feb 2024 21:08:28
Fascinating, but I'm a tad dubious with it being 'unnatural'. More research needed by me.?


{Ed033's Note - Yes, more research.



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11 Dec 2023 05:21:04
The smirk on his face, where's my cricket bat?





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