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Morpheus's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Morpheus's rumours posts
13 Jan 2022 12:40:59
Free energy tech
{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Morpheus.
I did post these a little while ago thanks for reposting for those that missed them. It is going to be interesting to see where Nigel Cheese's work leads. As stated in the video, he apparently has a premises set up for production so it could be very soon. Amazing stuff if true.
1.) 15 Jan 2022 19:50:48
Royal Navy officer was a fantastic watch. Confirms the evil world we live in.
12 Dec 2021 19:47:11
The French taking no shit.
{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Morpheus.
I knew it would be the video I have been avoiding watching all day. The Gendarmerie nationale are just the LE's pawns. I just hope this makes them quit and stand with the awake, surely no job is worth getting the proverbial kicked out of you. They are just following orders from satanic masters. If they stay then they made their own bed, let them sleep in it. I don't condone violence though, but I will be the same if given no choice. Only so much people can take.
1.) 12 Dec 2021 21:13:22
The controllers will love this.
All out chaos will only make it easier for the masses to accept even more draconian measures.
{Ed032's Note - Martial law, anyone?
19 Nov 2021 17:05:10
Sorry to correct you Ed but I believe the earth rotates at 66,600 mph, the earth's tilt sits at 33.4° which is 66.6° from 90°.
The earth's curve at 10 miles is 66.6 feet, at 100 miles it's 6668.41 feet and a 1000 miles is 663337.65 feet.
I hope you can see what I see. ????????
{Ed032's Note - Don't apologise. Thanks for pointing it out. I was just quoting Eric Dubay's info text from the video. Did it quickly without fully reading. Lesson learnt haha. Yes I have eye's to see what you point out. Thanks, Morpheus :)
1.) 19 Nov 2021 17:56:27
Beastly numbers :)
18 Nov 2021 23:05:31
Cosmology Advanced - Geology Revived Documentary
More investigation into our realm, another very well presented documentary.
{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Morpheus. Not had chance to watch this yet, but hopefully will have chance later. Busy day ahead.
1.) 19 Nov 2021 19:27:13
This video makes a lot of sense
2.) 19 Nov 2021 21:50:32
I am not going to 'flatly' take all this as truth but incredibly well researched, presented and as you say, Ed. Makes sense.
Magnifies the questions What actually happened? why the need to go to such lengths to cover it up? (control is obviously a big part but why do they need to cover this up to achieve that?) And will and when (will) it happen again?
I mean the event that took place must quite literally have been 'Biblical'.
Really great, thought-inducing video, Thanks Morpheus.
18 Nov 2021 20:54:57
Cosmology Advanced - The Luminaries Mysterium Documentary
{Ed032's Note - Any post that mention luminaries is on a righteous path, thanks Morpheus.
27 Dec 2021 11:22:26
When you receive the NHS “Get boosted Now” text message report it to OFCOM as SPAM by forwarding it to 7726. When you get the automatic reply asking for the number it came from you can just reply NHS or UK Government if you can’t obtain the actual number. THIS IS AN UNSOLICITED COMMUNICATION SO IT IS SPAM. They have to log each complaint.
Beat the bastard's at their own game.
{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Morpheus.
27 Dec 2021 11:22:26
When you receive the NHS “Get boosted Now” text message report it to OFCOM as SPAM by forwarding it to 7726. When you get the automatic reply asking for the number it came from you can just reply NHS or UK Government if you can’t obtain the actual number. THIS IS AN UNSOLICITED COMMUNICATION SO IT IS SPAM. They have to log each complaint.
Beat the bastard's at their own game.
{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Morpheus.
14 Dec 2021 14:01:47
Mate, I know something and nothing hence my thirst for knowledge. I just want people to realise that this doesn't take half an hour, it's a lifestyle. You think about it every waking moment, that thing that gnaws in the back of your mind that something isn't quite right with the world.
I appreciate I've bitten a few heads off recently and that's because people need to understand that this literally is a fight for our lives and I mean that in the most literal of senses. We are at war, read silent weapons for quiet ears to understand what I'm talking about.
The information we post is a fraction of the picture and even understanding those pieces can be a humongous task for anyone to undertake. I don't want to sound condescending but this literally is your tribulation, you're on the path of judgement. So do you speak for truth or do you uphold the lies? Your choice.
Thanks also for choosing the topic by my suggestion. I made the title to encompass many subjects about our realm. Where are we? Who are we and why are we here? What is this place? It's fascinating and completely mind boggling at the same time. However, I'm a believer in that if you desire something enough that it will be given to you. So here we are, step one of discovery and may we all reap the rewards of our seeking truth. ?
{Ed032's Note - I think it would take many mortal lifetimes to understand the entirety of 'truth' we have yet to learn. Perhaps that is why, in the ancient texts, people lived upwards of 1000 years maybe even longer?. And the fact the satanic overlords have hidden or destroyed so much since then, to hide this, makes everything even more difficult to understand.
I agree with your entire post, Morpheus. I do think that people starting of their journey into the real nature of things should be taken in bite size chunks though. I think that was the angle one of the posters you mention was coming from. But, yes. Half hour is not going to show you much, but it is a start. None of this is a dig at you, mate. It is difficult to remember when we first started our journeys because we have been on them so long. It is always worth taking a step back to help people with those first awakenings though. It is not only the colour of the pill, it is the shear size of it and it's incredibly tough to swallow. helping people to nibble away at it until they can get the rest down in one is important. We need to wake as many as we can so every single one counts.
In order to know the truth, first you need to seek it.
Looking forward to Sunday and probably making my head hurt from deep thinking haha.
Thanks for another link and great post, Morpheus. :)
14 Dec 2021 09:39:01
Of course I believe in hope Ed, what I don't believe in is a controlled opposition psyop with these paid actors to make it appear like there's white hats working behind the scenes to solve out enslavement. If we want to be truly free then we have to do it, because if no one has figured it out by now, freedom doesn't come free.
I also recommend Mark Passio who talks about any change having to be a collective effort, but also in addition, how consciousness is all connected. So that's right, we all consciously need to push for change, a small percentage is not enough, it needs to be many.
Mark Passio can be found HERE and he has just done a new documentary on natural law. You'd be surprised how much you don't know about natural law. Question, is morality objective or subjective?
Either way, I'm hopeful, but I place no hope on an unverifiable psyop called Q. ??
{Ed032's Note - Pleasing to know, Morpheus.
I am humble when it comes to knowledge so I am never surprised by how much I don't know. It is the content that blows my mind.
Your question's answer would become an epic thesis and is one that would fit in great for Sunday's Live-Chat 8-10pm (shameless plug) :)
Thanks for the Mark Passio link, Morpheus.
13 Dec 2021 18:46:06
Or you can stop reading that Q hopium shit and listen to Brendan O'Connell who's really got it locked down on what's really going on, who's behind and from where. A real eye opener and everyone should watch these videos for a real insight into these people and how they're going about to their business:
{Ed032's Note - You don't believe in hope, Morpheus?
Thanks for the linked playlist. Lots of research to be done. Appreciated.
I have chosen your suggestion for this Sundays live-chat. I hope you are there and share your mind, mate.
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