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21 Jan 2022
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Conspiracy Talk Sightings page entitled, Interesting if true.

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1.) 21 Jan 2022 19:50:29
Thanks, Lickyfields_M7. It is true but the company has an interesting approach to tackling a 'virus' rather than jabbing everyone with some satanic substances.

Here is a quote from an article easily found:

"On Wednesday it emerged Djokovic had acquired an 80% stake in QuantBioRes, the website of which says it designs treatments for viral diseases and resistant bacteria through “predicting the electromagnetic frequency” that can interfere with a virus’s activity.

“At QuantBioRes, we work in utilising unique and novel Resonant Recognition Model … a biophysical model based on findings that certain periodicities/frequencies within the distribution of energies of free electrons along the protein are critical for protein biological function and interaction with protein receptors and other targets,” the website says."

Still sitting on the fence in my opinion of Mr Djokovic as much as want to believe in him totally freely convinced. There is every possibility that this tech is being created/explored for nefarious means.

Or maybe it just helps to make better donkey cheese? ? ?

2.) 21 Jan 2022 20:01:17
ed032 no need to sit on the fence buddy. djokovic is one of them thats what that big farce of him being kicked out of Australia was on the news constant for weeks for to make him look like one of us. now he has created a drug for covid something fishy there he will have got a lot of support there and people will believe him and his new drug

{Ed032's Note - It is not a drug though, United ireland. It is using frequencies. Everything is frequencies. If you have a tool to disrupt one thing you can sure bet that it can disrupt whatever you want to 'corrupt', deactivate or even, 'activate'.

I'll dig into this a bit more over the weekend to try and understand exactly what the tech is. Sad thing is that anything created out of a good purpose can be polarised to the opposite.

3.) 22 Jan 2022 07:49:05
drug or tech buddy he is on there side that's why he got all the air time on the news fighting for good to fool people who are against the vax to take his new what ever it is

{Ed032's Note - I am not disagreeing with you but from an 'on the fence' POV it would be difficult not to cover this story as no coverage of it would make it obvious something was being hidden.

Although there is a lot of evidence Djokovic is with 'them' with the hidden eye pictures and dealings with WEF (and then disappearing links from his website) to name a few. But I am always hopeful. Maybe he is caught up with things he wants no part of but is forced/coerced in some way? Maybe he made decisions when he was younger that he didn't fully understand until recent times? in a way wanting his soul back from satanic clutches.

4.) 22 Jan 2022 17:22:21
covid is the common cold buddy rebranded covid installed with the fear factor so why do we need a cure for it. the cure for the common cold is rough it out and eat and drink natural foods with good vitamins

{Ed032's Note - You are missing my points, United ireland.

And by 'common cold' do you mean the said 'cold virus'? A computer simulated piece of LE make believe, because as far as I am concerned viruses are just some made up rhetoric to scare and 'spread' fear.

Illnesses like what are portrayed as 'viruses' are just your bodies way off purging toxins (exosomes/dead rotting cells)not fit for being inside someone human. A natural response. And yes, as you say, being healthy keeps you 'healthy'.

It feels like we are at a point where like-minded souls are at horns. Ironic. As that is the game plan of 'them'. Maybe they have already won?



10 Jan 2022
New image uploaded to the
Conspiracy Talk Sightings page entitled, Interesting to think if this will be a fair go or is it just for show?

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1.) 10 Jan 2022 17:43:18
Thanks, Lickyfields_M7.

Watching the interviews and such with Dr Fuellmich and releases from Mark Sexton does create hope for a win for Light over the LE.

On the other hand, it could just be a massive collaboration of controlled opposition taking a case to a controlled court system purely wasting everyone with open eyes, with the ability to 'see', time.

Coin toss.

2.) 10 Jan 2022 17:58:12
I hope it’s successful Ed, however we know how corrupt the LE are so I’m sure people can understand my scepticism. Sadly im thinking only a revolution can save us at this point.

{Ed032's Note - becoming evil to overthrow evil will just continue the chain. Helping and waking people is the only way to a true free world. Revolutions only end in war. just playing into 'their' hands.

3.) 10 Jan 2022 23:01:39
Your right Ed, and I’m not condoning violence or anything I just feel they’d need to be overthrown if they were to be rid of. More and more people are waking up though so hopefully if enough people protest and challenge them (peacefully/lawfully), we can get to them that way :)

{Ed032's Note - 'They' are but a few. The 'People' are of many. Get rid of the hypnosis and brainwashing and 'they' stand no chance.




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10 Jan 2022 23:01:39
Your right Ed, and I’m not condoning violence or anything I just feel they’d need to be overthrown if they were to be rid of. More and more people are waking up though so hopefully if enough people protest and challenge them (peacefully/lawfully), we can get to them that way :)


{Ed032's Note - 'They' are but a few. The 'People' are of many. Get rid of the hypnosis and brainwashing and 'they' stand no chance.



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10 Jan 2022 17:58:12
I hope it’s successful Ed, however we know how corrupt the LE are so I’m sure people can understand my scepticism. Sadly im thinking only a revolution can save us at this point.


{Ed032's Note - becoming evil to overthrow evil will just continue the chain. Helping and waking people is the only way to a true free world. Revolutions only end in war. just playing into 'their' hands.



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27 Dec 2021 12:55:44
No probs Ed, I’m visiting more and more now so no doubt I’ll be chirping in haha


{Ed032's Note - Good to hear, Lickyfields_M7. Great to have another new poster.



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27 Dec 2021 09:26:10
Great work Tj70 ??


{Ed032's Note - Hi, Lickyfeilds_M7. Welcome to the site and thanks for joining in with the last live-chat.




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