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25 Dec 2021 08:27:53
Merry christmas everyone!!! Good to see this page doing well and wish you all the best in these difficult times.


{Ed032's Note - Thanks. Merry Christmas, mumbaianc.



26 Jul 2021 19:03:04
Have to say when i heard of Project Blue beam over 10 years ago i thought people were going too far with the conspiracies.
Now seems like we are within a touching distance from it, still amazes me how they managed to pull it off.


1.) 26 Jul 2021 20:17:15
I think you may have to consider that such technology was used on 9/11.



28 Jun 2021 14:02:19
British Royals' priest explaining the Maundy Thursday celebration.

Noticed the cabinet on the altar with a skull and the whole celebrating the coin money decimal system.




16 Mar 2021 08:16:28
Anybody have any good video on Freemasons. One of my friends has asked for it.
Or a video about all conspiracies tied together will also do.


1.) 17 Mar 2021 20:19:10
Secrets hidden in plain sight 👍👍.

2.) 18 Mar 2021 14:27:26
Thank you smith2d. This is perfect.



13 Mar 2021 21:12:14
Wondering whether the Queen of England gets exposed. Early signs there but could just be another false alarm.
Another thing is to what extent things are exposed about the queen, I fear the people will just think it is normal and continue.


{Ed033's Note - It might depend on whether they have decided to get rid of 'Royalty' altogether as they were only actors anyway [to keep people in some kind of mindset?] and not needed anymore?

1.) 14 Mar 2021 17:43:48
Yes Ed. Also finding it strange that all the world leaders in their speeches talking absolute nonsense, looking more like comedians. Not that it is something new but given the situation now people are paying attention and looking at world leaders for guidance.
Just seems like they want people to lose hope in the government.

{Ed033's Note - i wonder how many talking heads whether it's medical people like Fauci, Royalty or Political people or even ex-political people like Blair are not actually making any statements and it's mostly cgi deep fake video.

It's likely that the last Queen of England statement on 'everyone should get the vax' was cgi not her, i just put up Fauci making a statement not being real as a link to a twitter video.

2.) 15 Mar 2021 08:26:46
Agree ed! Mind warfare may be. May be in the future there might be so much confusion and chaos that it would be difficult to know what’s real.
Also the chip would be a means to sell reality.

{Ed033's Note - It seems that they are going to reward what they consider 'good behaviour' in exchange for a bit of crypto currency. So people are going just have enough to survive on and if they're good slaves they get a bit extra in the form of crypto?




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19 Feb 2022 11:52:45
Reliance life sciences is owned by the Ambani family who are the indian elite puppets. No doubt in my mind that relcovax is the same elite cr*p vaccine... dont believe anyone promoting it.


{Ed032's Note - Thanks for the info, mumbaianc. Hopefully your little brother is starting to be as awake as you, now?



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07 Jan 2022 04:14:47
Well he is correct about the separation but it wont be decided by these shady vaccines. Things will be much clearer than this during the mark.

Also many things need to happen before the mark first of which will be the war on israel by a set of countries.


{Ed032's Note - I fear you are right with the vaxxines. This is just the beginning of this chapter. A way to change perceptions and to make things feel familiar, like a new normal particularly with the younger generation who will only know this new normal having not experienced anything but this. Similar to how we have been deceived and made to forget what the 'old Free Realm'? Tatarian? Atlantean? society was like with only breadcrumbs left to decipher the Truth.



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05 Sep 2021 07:36:43
This is my take after the NWO taking over has happened. Some of the people here might be put off because i will be linking it from the side of the christian bible.

Agree with Ed, the new world order will be established soon and 2025 according to Ed seems plausible. I think the end time antichrist will appear around 2026/ 27.

You have to remember the Jews are waiting for their Messiah to come who will restore peace throughout the world. The problem with this messiah is he will actually be the false messiah (Antichrist) who will mislead the Jews.

The Antichrist will be a man of peace initially and the innocent people will fall for his tricks. He will also make a deal with the jewish people and allow them to worship at the Temple mount located at AL Aqsa mosque, Palestine. Israel - Palestine wars have always been about the jews going back to their holy land.

The Antichrist will be like a good Dictator at first for a few years (2027-2030) and will then show his true colours after that. Mark of the beast will also happen around this time (ID 2030)

From where and who the this antichrist will be we will only come to know later but there is a good chance he will be claiming to be the actual real christ before he gets power.

This is just my take for now and all the above sounds too crazy but i am happy a lot of people are waking up and questioning things.


{Ed033's Note - The Controllers are probably going to play out their version of the Seven Seals [Bible Prophesy].



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03 Aug 2021 16:43:07
My younger brother used to work for a top genome sequencing R&D institution based in the capital Delhi. Later he found out the boss and few of his seniors were part of a cult named Nichiren Buddhism which was based in Hong Kong. My brother was also invited to be a part of the cult provided he showed up to all of their events.

Luckily after being part of a ritual and finding the whole thing shady he got away from it early. Also prior to this he had no knowledge about conspiracies, cults, elite, etc.

It is funny, having gone through all this he still doesn’t believe in conspiracies and thinks its just psyops to entertain people.


{Ed033's Note - Thanks for sharing.



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13 Jul 2021 18:10:15
I remember kate’s, Rosemary’s baby dress after giving birth and going public for the first time.
Might have something to do with the royal bloodline being illegitimate.





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