19 Jan 2025 15:55:02
Do you get your news from the Legacy News broadcast?
Do you ever feel the need to 'fact check' for yourself?
Do you take the things you are told, as fact?
Is what is real 'spelled' out to you?
Are you actually living out a life that is suggested to you?
Run these thoughts through your mind and then question it.
Too many souls can not even be bothered with this.
Send them hope, as they need it.
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17 Jan 2025 19:37:36
It is probably just because I am a conspiracy theorist (though I prefer the term Truth seeker) But does anyone else see the connection between the melting metal parts of cars in the US 'wildfires' and that lone carpark near the Twin Towers on 9/11/01?
Does this mean that the DEW we have all been going on about for years, decades? that doesn't allegedly exist, actually exist?
No, nothing to see here. Just an act of God, your insurance doesn't cover this, now move out of here and move on as we've minerals to mine and Smart jails to build. Oh and here is $700 to help you out so don't be bitter on us. It would have been more but we spent all your hard earned tax money on bombs to kill innocent women and children in the countries that do not reform to centralisation and corrupt controllers. Long live democracy!
{Ed032's Note - (Repost) Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go - Evidence Of Directed Energy Technology On 9/11
18 Jan 2025 08:45:27
Right there were dissolved cars on 911, Maui and with these L.A. fires.
{Ed032's Note - All just a coincidence, though.
18 Jan 2025 16:28:00
Also realise that the 'wildfires' get their own section in the news and are updated daily, even hourly.
The North Carolina flood apocalypse, that killed more people and have 300 still missing and the stench of the decomposing dead is unimaginable, whole communities destroyed of which are still not reachable, are never mention at all. And why is that?
Selective news. Agenda news. Satanic news to make you rewire to a demonic narrative so you accept.
I could rant for hours here on this topic, but I won't. I will just say, please wake TF up to the sleeping souls but sadly they are deaf as well as majorly dumbed-down.
So sad.
But hey, at least they can mine the lithium and we get more batteries that the power grid can not handle to charge!
Clown world.
17 Jan 2025 08:36:28
Isopathic Foundation & Application: Dr Mari Arce & Adam Bigelsen
16 Jan 2025 14:15:34
Biblical Texts Give Precise Instructions on the Pineal Gland...
17 Jan 2025 13:58:23
Super interesting. I've heard some of this info before but not in this depth.
{Ed032's Note - Yes, it is, Ed033. I felt the same way in it ringing some bells. I highly recommend looking into a book called 'The Book of Wisdom' by Harry B Joseph. It is mind blowing in how things across all religions, masonic imagery and esoteric knowledge all sem to tie together. The actual book itself is a little pricey but you can get a pdf copy for a few quid, or maybe a friend will send on a version.
The book explains how to raise one's vibration to obtain enlightenment by means of meditation, abstaination and certain ways of moving away from the 'I am' to become at one with the Source. I am in my first month and waiting for the Moon to be in my Sun sign for 3 days to complete a raising of the Christos/Christ oil to reach and reactivate the pineal gland/3rd or all seeing Eye.
Reading the book felt a bit epiphanic. It made so much sense like I was be8ng told stuff I did not realise I knew and it felt the right thing to do. Let's hope it is, as it is difficult to know the Truth until you find it.
14 Jan 2025 16:59:46
LA Sheriff Admits "The Depopulation Conversation Is Continuously Coming Up" In Government Meetings
12 Jan 2025 10:24:25
Superhuman Vision: This SECRET Exercise Restored My Eyesight Forever | Dr. Bryce Appelbaum
14 Jan 2025 17:53:22
Muscles respond to training and being consistent with it. It makes sense that this would work with the eyes, too.
Instead we are told to wear glasses that cost money and only weaken the eyes muscles more, thus, making us reliant on something it would seem we do not need?
Good post, Ed033. Appreciated as always.