24 Jan 2025 10:43:00
TFE - Faking the 24 hour sun in Antarctica with Flat Earth Dave Weiss and Marty Leeds
Talk Sense 4
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24 Jan 2025 19:02:59
I genuinely wonder how many souls come on this site and just completely dismiss everything because it's not in the 'papers'.
These papers are under the control of the people that wield the narrative they want you to believe. I have been asked not to use terms such as 'sheeple' and the like but you have to understand that someone with no mind of their own, can not think for themselves and gets their information from a broadsheet that is controlled propaganda, and then believes it and follows the narrative. Is a soul that is asleep to what is happening (whether by disregard or disinterest or just dumb) and follows the herd, and these are not a herd soul? and degraded as an animal? I hate the fact genuine herd animals get treated the way they do, let alone humans. Yet I am sure some woketard will call me out again.
I want them all to wake up and smell the BS they live off of. It sadly seems they are incapable of doing so. Is it the fluoride? nah, that saves your teeth and doesn't dumb you down and cause all manor of neurological problems. They only where HASMAT suits when dealing with it because it is 'safe and effective' just like the vaxx's.
But don't worry. We have trumpetry trumpentan to save the day. The guy that sells out to the highest bidder and plays everyone as a numbskull, He got TikTok back so long live the king, right?
I plea to the souls visiting this site, who are sleeping through their slaughter. Please wake up and smell the BS and bugz being fed to you. And to those that know, I urge you to voice the truth to those that wander aimlessly into a incredibly dark place and guide them away from the pit.
23 Jan 2025 07:49:50
A.I. Grid and mRNA Shots Announced on Trump's 2nd Day in Office
21 Jan 2025 07:29:24
L.E.D Amazon Studio 360° digital circling sun combined with a real trip to Antarctica makes it a perfect scenario for an anti-Flat Earth hit-piece mockumentary
18 Jan 2025 17:44:39
MAID(Medical Assistance In Dying): Why the Government Wants You to Kill Yourself - Kelsi Sheren