19 Dec 2024 15:31:36
So. The festive season is upon us all. I am unsure how to feel about it all as it would appear our calendar has been nefariously altered. Should there be 13 months? Beginning at the time as we know it as Easter? Quickly summarizing Sept is 7 an Oct is 8. Easter being the rebirth of the Holy, which would be spring. It is all subjective.
There is so much going on in the Realm (as usual) Governments collapsing, France, Germany. (the UK government has never reached a height to collapse, it has always been in obvious, controlling unseen hands).
Then we have weather manipulation. Though no one knows how to control the weather (yeah right) and it happens to be about and around deposits of minerals that would never be accessible if the 'weather' hadn't turned wicked.
Then we are on to the drones. The UAP/UFO/USO nonsense. It is happening around the Realm, mainly seemingly focused in the North American continent. (mineral rich but inhabited areas) I have actually broken my feeds trying to figure out what is going on with all that. It is from Aliens (not real) Demons (more possible but our perception of a demon is not what they are) Other countries, if another country was sending UAPs in another's airspace they would be shot down. The fact the US officials say there is no worries but they don't know what they are or where they are from, screams BS.
We have had sightings in the UK, usually around military bases. No action. I mean the rhetoric is complete and utter BS. The World Wars were started because one guy got shot FFS ( if you believe that narrative) SO we are being played to be in fear, to cry out for help and to seek help from, what might as well be Satan himself. The NWO ultra rich MF's who care less for a soul that is not their own.
Keep strong. Have no fear as most of this Realm is lead by illusion. Cherish and hold close those dear to you. Believe in what you have. One day everything will make sense and I hope we meet up and chat about it. I would and will love those/that moment.
Much love to you and yours over this time of year, wherever you are from and whatever you believe. I truly am sending you the best vibes possible. XX