11 Jan 2025 09:13:59
"TOXIC FOG" released? Another Weather Weapon UNLEASHED?
14 Jan 2025 18:55:04
There has been a lot of videos that I have seen, usually at night, but the fog, when a torch is lighting it up, looks like snow. I have not seen this with the UK fog but I will search and post some examples if requested.
There is a lot of very strange things going on now. And as much as I think the above information video is given truths. The speakers are forming your allegiance to them. Make a note and be wary.
People, awake or sleep, need to think for themselves. If they have a doubt or curiosity, they need to look into things and research for themselves. The only TRUTH is from your own mind, not others telling you.
We are in WW3. It is a war of the mind. May yours be strong. Sadly the weak minded have already bended the knee.
10 Jan 2025 09:06:58
Land grab in California by DEW weapon fires?
{Ed032's Note - Obviously, this is is a land grab. Add all the other 'natural' disasters to this where there is LE bids to buy the land. One thing I think is going missing in this agenda is the fact that 'they' are getting rid of evidence.
Evidence of what? I hear you say. Well, that is the point, the very sharp point. The LE know they are being uncovered and what better way to hide their satanic deeds than to burn them and to make it look like nature consumed.
Food for thought. Let's hope that fluoride hasn't had too much of a detrimental effect where you have lost the ability to think for yourself.
It is so sad the souls of this realm do not see and are hypnotised by nefarious people who hold to much power.
11 Jan 2025 22:20:10
Maui 2.0
Stew Peters is a shill 100%
13 Jan 2025 21:36:29
There have been rumblings that this all happened because the government in USA wants to rebuild California into a futuristic city to rival city's springing up in the middle East.
Trump has actually condemned the current regime for the banning of for better words raking the forest floor and allowing it to help build the fires fuel.
{Ed033's Note - Yes, it seems to be that DEWs were used to level thousands of acres in L.A. California because some group decided there's going to be a 'Smart City' there.
14 Jan 2025 11:43:29
Yes, Trump has much contempt for Gavin Newsom, Neggywalter2. Not only for leaving deadwood in the forest and not clearing it but also for not letting Canadian waters run into the state to save some little fish and redirecting the water directly out to the ocean. This doesn't mean Trump is going to be a 'savior' as many expect him to be, though. Just ask Greenland.
You also have The Wonderful company which, if I recall correctly, owns 60% of the water rights in the state. They get dibs on the water even if there are extreme or emergency conditions.
There are also a few clips of fire fighters stating they are currently lighting 'back-fires'. Now I know, if done in a timely and controlled manner, backburning can be done to contain the potential threat of fires and them spreading, but doing so in the middle of what is going on with extremely high winds, doesn't seem a good idea, right? And isn't it strange that all the insurance companies cancelled fire cover just a few months prior. Anyone would think this conspiracy!
Throw in some DEW tech and weather manipulation and you literally have hell on Earth. Prayers for all those caught up in this mess.
14 Jan 2025 13:04:03
Yes it's totally disgusting. Trump isn't a saviour but I believe he will do better than the last idiot in charge.
Well in the next 5 years or so there will be one nice city that I am guessing only certain people will be allowed to live.
This world is madness personified. Hopefully things improve but I see only improvement in wealth for the few.
{Ed032's Note - The agenda is called 'Smart LA 2028', so less than 5 years according to the narrative, Neggywalter2
And, yes, you can be assured someone is filling their pockets because of this.
Hi, Edo32 here. TFE; The final experiment. I mean the whole title is BS as there is no science going on here. If you do not understand what scientific experimentation is then you need to do at least some research for yourself, but what happen in the TFE is not science.
Now this, what I am saying is all rushed together because someone asked why there is nothing about it on this site. I am actually taking a break right now but have come back as sharing truth is what I am all about and I love to help others. I am no batman, but when people send the signal, I am there.
I have been keeping a weather eye on all that goes on with this said TFE, as it felt important. I held Witsit and Flatearthdave very high, jeran l;ess so as he shilled in a previous netflix documentary. That documentary was showing lasers across lakes and it showed an alleged 'curve' but we all know and it has been proven to over 700miles, that there is no curve, or at least it does not conform to the Earths alleged ball dimensions.
Now we have a new mockumentry. Jeran/ Jeranism involved again. They are all in, allegedly, Antarctica but the have no gloves, wearing very little clothing for the alleged temperatures 'down' there. No visible moisture steams coming from their mouths and lots of other falsifying elements that scream fake.
I didn't know this would be made into a netflix film. I do not think anyone did. I am still not 100percent it is, but that is the word amongst the herd. How much money would it take you to sell out. How much money does netflix (LE) have?
Now you have to understand. I am not here to tell you things. I do not or ever want to tell you how to think. I am a truth seeker and a door opener. I share myself wholly and truthfully and show you avenues for you to explore. My word is not gospel, it is human. It is human to share to get to gospel, right? or no?
I am on this site to spread truth. No more, no less. I do not hide behind anything and if I am wrong , i will admit it and concur because I care less about me, it is only the truth I seek. This is why I try and conjure up conversation. That is at least 2way, preferably more. I may use personal quotes or experiences to get this but how else am I able to do this, I am just me. I am one amongst many souls, but I am the only one speaking out. Help me out, yeah? Speak your mind as it is just as wise and valuable as mine and will be so well respected and received.
Anyhow, I am highly emotional right now but here are a few snippets that show things that peeps may not have seen or been aware of.
Best wishes to all for this year of 2025. I am here for you all.
CriticalThink Back from Antarctica with NEW EARTH THEORY - p-brane DESTROYS The Final Experiment TFE
TFE - Even More Fake Than the "Moon Landing"
TFE Busted! Austin, Jeran, McToon, Duffy Exposed BIG TIME
TFE Psyop EXPOSED ! "It's 10PM in Antarctica in front of Mt Rossman"
Earth is now a combination of a Sphere and Cylinder? TFE The Final Experiment's CriticalThink
Flat Earth on Sundays - TFE Psyop: The Traitors, The Losers & The Winners
TFE - "They Don't Want Us Asking Questions!"
TFE Shills Exposed by KiNG NiCO & Dustin Nemos
09 Jan 2025 23:41:13
Thank you for your time and insight I look forward to watching what you have posted on this subject over the weekend many thanks.
{Ed032's Note - You are very welcome, p1. Happy to help others find the information they seek and to discuss things openly and honestly. Discourse is what this site is currently lacking. I try to get people to post thoughts etcetera, to get another mind to bounce ideas around in, but sadly I am mainly met by silence.
08 Jan 2025 23:08:55
I wouldn't like to brand anyone on here but I thought both ed 32 and 33 were flat earthers and would of expected some conversation regarding the final experiment of the 24 hr sun. Seen videos elsewhere debunking the evidence but no conversation here seems a little bit strange.
{Ed033's Note - I'll get to it at some point.
09 Jan 2025 16:48:08
I apologise for lack of chatter about this, p1. I have been keeping an eye and open mind on the subject but, and it is no excuse, I am laying my father to rest tomorrow and my head is not at peace.
What I will briefly say is that, fr9m what I can make if th8ngs, we have all been deceived by people that were a big part of spreading the light and it really hurts as 2 of the 3, and even the 3rd, were a big part of opening my eyes. I am talking about; Jeranism but mainly wisitgetsit and flatearthdave. I have a whole host of things to be proved wrong and debunked and the th8ngs need to be put right as it would appear they have sold out to the Jesuit, masonic, satanic LE.
Give me a few moments to get out of limbo and mourn those dear to me and I will put together a selection for you and be able to respond with a thoughtful opinion.
I apologise for not covering this. My life is a s**tshow right now.