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10 Feb 2025 10:32:03
Clean energy, sustainable transportation, and a brighter future for Africa! This will disrupt the Electric Car Market!
The name Maxwell Chikumbutso has taken the world by storm! His microsonic energy technology, capable of powering cars, homes, and entire cities, has left many in awe-while others remain skeptical. As his self-powered electric vehicle gains attention, people are asking: How does this technology actually work?


09 Feb 2025 07:23:14
Davos 2025: Everything You Need To Know About Their Agenda Of Control


08 Feb 2025 08:28:43


01 Feb 2025 13:59:22
The Secret Controllers?


08 Feb 2025 00:01:56
Just wanted to share my story
I fell incredibly ill over Christmas and it was like experiencing those sick days when you were a child. When you were really sick for 2 weeks and you weren't faking it.
As an adult I'm very rarely ill. I'm no frequent patient at the Dr's, in fact I can count on 1 hand hownmany times I've been the Dr's in 20 yrs maybe more.
The last thing I did, before I got ill, was take the dog out in that fog.
I hit the floor from Christmas day until 2nd/3rd of January.
Now a few weeks later I am constantly waking up and struggling to breath. I also have cold and flu symptoms that disapate around 3 hrs after getting up. I feel great all day and then when I lie down and relax or actually get to sleep I am suddenly ill again.
I heard alot of people saying some serious things about that fog and as I'm unvaccinated I am now starting to believe that I have ingested that fucking vaccine. I can't explain how I feel and do it justice on here. I know there's something really wrong with me and I also know it's something I've never had before.
I maybe going a bit nutty over this but the patterns of feeling ill and then feeling absolutely fine are really really confusing me.
We live under a blanket of chemtrails and towers that are emitting frequencies and then I watch videos of that fog and it looks like its snowing. Tiny little particles. Also how the fuck does fog spread worldwide on the same dates? Miami foggy? I've been to florida, it doesn't get cold. Ever. India reported the fog. India. India covered in a freezing fog.
You can see why I have concerns.
Has anyone got a similar story? I heard alot of people talking about getting incredibly ill over Christmas.
Just thought I'd share .
Hope everyone is all good

{Ed032's Note - Hi, Pauly77. Thanks for sharing.

I am sorry to hear you have been unwell and still seem to be suffering.

The fog. I have know idea what it is/was but it clearly wasn't a normal or natural event. Lots of people mentioning acrid, chemical smells although I did not notice that myself. It just had a heavy bad vibe about it. Energy sapping. Could 'They' have induced it and put something in it? Possibly. Probably. The one thing about it is that we could not do anything about it. Much like we can not do anything about all the frequencies swirling around us other than cutting out certain home devices and limit the use of them. It would seem these things are now unavoidable and things we can not change so let's focus on the things we can change and look more to this side of things as we have some control over it.

Please don't take anything personally as I am just going through my mind as to other possible causes.
It could just be a seasonal detox. Your bodies natural process to rid itself of all the unwanted harmful stuff and cleanse itself. Being bombarded from every angle with toxins in the food, water, air, it could have been a massive build up.

You mention that now it seems to only be when you sleep with a few hours after waking to feel better. Have you thoroughly checked your bedroom for signs of mould? It can lurk in unnoticed places where the area is looked after and kept clean. It's a crafty SOB and very toxic with breathing difficulties being a symptom.
Do you get plenty of fresh air in your home( as fresh as it can be at least)?

How well are your looking after yourself? Do you eat healthy? Has you diet changed? have you somehow altered something from a normal routine? Do you get enough exercise? Is your mind overwhelmed and do you give yourself a few mindful moments each day to find inner calm?

I am just thinking logically. I am not suggesting you are doing anything wrong or right.

You mentioned you rarely have to see a Dr. or medical professional? If so, what did they say? We all have our own opinions on health and we are the one's responsible for our own health.

I am happy to give you protocols I like to follow. It is up to you if you want to try things.

I like the juice of a fresh organic lemon mixed with a spoon of raw organic honey, moringa powder and a dash of apple cider vinegar with mother in a glass topped up with 'fresh' restructured water. I also like a spoon of elixir made from raw honey, lemon, garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper and some times crushed walnut. This has to be left to ferment for at least a week to gain potency. I take these both in the morning a long with a D3/K2 supplement as the Sun has lost his hat.

Wishing you the best and sending you get well vibes.


08 Feb 2025 14:49:43
No major changes in my usual daily habits/lifestyle choices. Not waking up in mouldy/dusty atmospheres. I just know that something isn't right. I actually feel like " they got me"
They're putting this shit in food, definitely in the water and God knows what else. Also those towers are all up and functioning properly and there's something very, very sinister about them.
I've seen parts of the sky flashing intermittently for hours on end and the next night nothing.
Like I say I'm usually healthy and if I'm ill it usually passes within 48 hrs.
The chemtrail cloud that covers is a different type of cold. I can actually feel that the sun is completely blocked out. In fact it gets warmer at night.
Maybe I need to have a look at some of your daily tonics and take some notes.

{Ed032's Note -Where about in the Realm are you, Pauly77?

I understand what you mean by 'They got me' we are in a spiritual war after all. Maybe they have got under your skin and into your mind and have lowered your vibration? Some type of meditation may help you? It is not easy to empty the mind of all thoughts and takes practice but it is worth it.

It could just be a build up, like I mentioned before?

Please do check out what I mentioned. I did miss out saying that there is also turmeric in the elixir. It is potent stuff.

Get well soon, mate


08 Feb 2025 18:25:40
I'm in liverpool. Yes if you could give me some tips/advice then I'll give them a go and come back to you.


08 Feb 2025 18:35:20
Another thought.

Have you tried 'grounding' your bed?

Place a copper wire into the Earth and wire it up to your bed by various methods (you can even buy grounding bed sheets)

There is a whole host of benefits of walking barefoot on the Earth as it floods your body with negative ions which can reduce and relieve lots of different ailments. If you sleep like you are attached to the Earth this may help improve your overall wellbeing?

Then there is the clothes you wear. Most clothing is made out of plastic. Natural clothing isn't going to harm you, unnatural will mess with your energy/chi/soul/spirit.

Some things you may want to do some research in?


08 Feb 2025 20:08:37
more thoughts;

Do you smoke? drink alcohol?

You really need to cut these out of your life. You are basically poisoning yourself if you do these things. I am not spreading new news here but it really is a need to do thing. I speak from experience here.

I smoked 200g tobacco a week 2oz of weed a month and 40 units of alcohol a day.

I confess I miss the weed, as that helped me with genuine constant pain I am in but I am 18 months off of that, and nearly 9 months tobacco and alcohol free. I do on occasion have a drink but it makes me feel rubbish. I use a vape now on low nicotine, which I intend to give up by I am dealing with quite a lot so I am cutting myself some slack with that.

Addiction is a tough thing to work through, but it can be done if you choose to walk the path. There are plenty of people willing to support you if that is the case. I do not like to assume your case though. Here to help if needed.


08 Feb 2025 21:13:59
I do smoke and I love a beer and a little joint. I am fully self aware. I know my mind and I know my body. The mind is a very complex system but the body will tell you when something ain't right. Like I say I haven't changed my lifestyle and I'm usually very healthy. I just have a feeling

{Ed032's Note - I understand and can relate, mate. I am not going to tell you to do anything, I am just making suggestions. Maybe your body is telling your mind to try and lose some unhealthy habits that could be exacerbating a natural detox process and contributing to the aforementioned breathing problems?

Try the elixir and tonic suggestions and let us know how you go, Pauly77. Best of health to you.


10 Feb 2025 02:42:12
Pauly77 I have been feeling exactly the same since before Christmas, constantly lethargic and basically all I want to do is sleep, but when I do try sleep it doesn't happen, my head gets really dizzy when I lay down and I do feel like I am going pass out so I have to get up, my sleep pattern now is basically in bursts, half an hour or so here and there whenever I can. I am never really ill, aside from an occasional cold every couple of years and that's never a problem for me, and like yourself I never go to a doctor's. I live in Southend close to quite a few airports and I have certainly noticed the difference in the skies lately when I am out walking.


10 Feb 2025 22:22:01
Pauly77 and Walkon79 [not medical advice], maybe also take some of the Dr Bryan Ardis recommended supplements. If you watched the Dr Ardis interviews on here, you'd allready have heard the supplements before. Maybe the main ones are; organic cold pressed black seed oil (Ed032 how much do you take each day maintenance-wise?) 2mg nicotine per day (either patches, gum or lozenges), Zinc 20-50mg with food twice daily, Vitamin C 5000mg/day, NAC 500mg twice daily. In addition Magnesium taken just before bed may help sleeping?

{Ed032's Note - Sorry I missed out a few things from my daily morning tonic as I didn't want to overload information. Here is my recipe;

500ml distilled restructured water (Hi-ball glass topped up after ingredients added)
1-2tsp organic wheatgrass powder
1-2tsp organic moringa powder
1 tblsp organic apple cider vinegar with mother
1tsp organic black seed oil
1-2 tsp raw organic local honey
juice of a fresh, organic lemon and pulp - remove seeds!
pinch Celtic salt

I also currently take a D3/K2 supplement and a teaspoon on my elixir, which I have previously mentioned, daily.

Occasional things I take that seem relevant, as and when needed, are;

2 x 500mg NAC (with food)
Cell Salts Combination 1 x 10g pellet (6x or 12x potency)
Magnesium 6 in 1 Complex 1/2 x 2100mg
Iodine (15% Lugols) - 1/2 drops in a litre of pure water
High Potency Mushroom Blend -Shitake, Cordyceps, Maitake, Reishi, Chaga, Lions Mane, Turkey Tail, Meshima with He Shou Root (as a hot drink which replaces coffee)

Things probably not relevant;

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate 1/2 x 750mg
Wild Oregano Oil - 1 drop added to a glass of water (****never take neat!!! incredibly potent stuff)
L-Arginine 1 x 1000mg
Boswellia 1 x 2000mg
R ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) 1/2 x 500mg
Vitamin B Complex
Pearl Powder

Other important factors;
Regular exercise
Breathing exercises
Healthy eating
Healthy thinking
Focus on sleep. Bed early up early (matched to South UK summer Sun cycle)

I always feel worse in the winter. I miss the Sun.

** All the above is NOT MEDICAL ADVISE.


11 Feb 2025 12:26:54
Thanks Eds I have been hearing quite a good few things lately about nicotine and Celtic salts so that is something I will be looking into. Does anyone have much information on the carnivore diet?

{Ed032's Note - Ed033 has posted about the carnivore diet previously. See if you can find the videos via the search function, Walkon79. I, myself, have not tried this diet so I don't know too much about it other than some varying reports. Ed033 may be able to speak on it more.

Just as a side note;

If you are interested in taking supplements, it is also worth your time to research into what vitamins and minerals are in food that you would eat. It is a vast and interesting subject. For instance, Things like chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, spinach, peas are all a good source of zinc. Even half a can of baked beans are alleged to have 25% of the recommended daily intake of zinc. There are also vegetables with nicotine in them, too. I believe all the nightshade ones do like tomatoes, potatoes etcetera. Obviously these foods have other nutritious benefits to them but I am not going to write out an essay on it all. ;)

Good health, peeps.


03 Feb 2025 20:34:51
Social engineering - How to manipulate a population into poisoning themselves; Fluoride.

{Ed032's Note - You can copy/paste this to ALL the other poisons we are being exposed too, to.

Make no mistake. The elite are satanic in nature and care less about you and me. They are clever in 'spin' and deceitful in honour of every 'natural' living essence of this Realm. They will do what ever they have to to dispose of those that oppose and it would seem they are ramping up the levels of tyranny to do just that.

As it seems, the vast majority of the sleepers, stay asleep, so my only advise is to know what to do when all systems fail and leave you on your own. I mean, Bear Grylls has been teaching you to eat bugs for over a decade or two.. But hopefully you know how to humanely hunt and bless that food that you need and grow.


06 Feb 2025 19:09:16
BTW; do not eat bugs.


06 Feb 2025 03:53:49


04 Feb 2025 12:14:52
CBDC: The End of Money (Documentary Movie December 2024).


26 Jan 2025 01:54:22
Biblical Tree Remains, The Truth About Gold


22 Jan 2025 19:00:59
The Whole Thing Is A Hoax - Alan Watts On The Human Society


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